Honor killings are a common but extreme form
of violence towards women and girls, and often
committed by family members. An honor killing
is defined as “the killing committed by a person to
restore his perceived family’s honor damaged by a
victim, usually female, for various reasons like refusal to
have an arranged marriage, illicit relationships, deviant behavior against family norms, etc”
One thousand Pakistani women and girls are killed in honor killings every year, most commonly by their brother, father, or husband
Honor killings happen to women of all ages: married
women, unmarried teenagers, and even young girls
Sources: (Rahim 132).

Acid throwing disfigures and maims a woman,
These vicious and inhumane attacks leave the
women’s face or hands permanently disfigured. They are often the results of domestic disputes, disputes
over land ownership, dowries, for refusing a man’s
advances, or for revenge No matter what the reason may be, acid attacks have horrible lifelong repercussions for the victim. Clearly, painful injuries, and their disabilities can prevent a woman from working, but even more importantly leaves her physically disfigured. Many women become blind or lose the use of their hands. This affects their ability to work or live independently and causes them to rely on their abuser financially. Acid attacks are a form of economical and physical abuse that is widespread in

Domestic violence includes physical, sexual, emotional,
economic, and psychological abuse. Economic abuse is
when the abuser prevents the abused from going to work and makes them financially reliant on the abuser This occurs in Pakistan often since many abused women do not work unless their family is exceedingly poor. One of the reasons many women do not leave abusive situations is due to their financial reliance on their abuser or fear of retaliation. Psychological abuse can also include the abuser preventing the abused from going to work with threats to harm the accused's loved ones. Threats against family members makes escaping domestic violence more difficult since the victim is risking her loved one’s well-being as well as her own life.
Sources: (“What is theDefinition of Domestic Violence”).